Waterside Health Centre
Partners in the Primary Care Network (PCN)
Blackfield Health Centre
Living After Loss Beyond Bereavement
If you have recently suffered the loss of a loved one, why not join us and enjoy the company of others. There are two opportunities. Either join us every Thursday throughout June, July & August on the date & time shown on the poster below in the Healthy Haven Garden. Or join with others on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at our monthly meetings at a venue that suits you. We look forward to seeing you to meet with friends and to make new ones.
Waterside PCN Health & Wellbeing team
The Health & Wellbeing team are available to support the health and wellbeing of Waterside PCN patients and staff, to help individuals make positive and lasting changes to their health with a personalised approach. So if you would like support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle you may refer yourself to the team for help.
They cover various aspects of health, including sleep, wellbeing, physical activity, healthy eating and lifestyle choices. They aim to encourage you every step of the way, teaching you the tools and techniques to last a lifetime.
Click on the image to find out about health coaching and how it could help you.
Treating common ailments at home
Click on the signpost above for help and tips
about treating minor ailments yourself.
Covid-19 is still active in our community. There are simple steps you are able to take to protect yourself from becoming ill.
As individuals and communities, we need to take action to prevent, isolate and care for ourselves and others from being infected by Covid-19. You can find out about a wide range of health related issues about which you are able to take action to ensure your health and wellbeing during these difficult times. Click on the Patient logo below to find out more.
Longer term health issues
The NHS has a range of information about longer term health issues. Click on a heading to go to the NHS page where you are able to find out more about that specific topic.
Click on the picture to watch the video
Advice about the use of Antibiotics
Always take your doctor's advice on antibiotics
Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them means they are less likely to work for you in the future so trust your doctors’ advice regarding the best appropriate treatment for how you feel.
key messages are:
Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you and your family at risk.
Taking antibiotics encourages harmful bacteria that live inside you to become resistant. That means that antibiotics may not work when you really need them.
Colds or Flu
Most coughs
Most ear infections
Most sore throats
Most diarrhoea
Most cystitis
Serious bacterial infections including:
Urinary tract infections
Sexually transmitted infections
Meningococcal meningitis
See the two lists above for when you might benefit from using antibiotics and when they won't work.
Why may your GP not prescribe an antibiotic for your chest infection?
When you see your GP they will want to help you, and if they advise against antibiotics it is not because they want to withhold something that would help, it is because it won’t help and may harm you.
Many chest infections including a chesty cough, plus some of the following: shortness of breath, wheeze, sputum, chest pain and temperature are caused by viruses, which recover without treatment and cannot respond to antibiotics.
These symptoms may last up to 3 weeks, but for some patients more than a month – no treatment will alter this, and antibiotics will not make any difference. If you want relief from the discomfort you are experiencing, your local pharmacist will be able to advise you about the best 'over the counter' remedy available.
For patients with chronic lung diseases such as asthma or COPD, these illnesses behave differently and are more likely to respond to treatment with antibiotics.
What is 'italk'?
'italk' provides free treatment to help people suffering from depression & anxiety. You may be referred by your doctor or you may refer yourself using the online self-referral form or by calling 023 8038 3920. Click on the 'italk' logo to find out about the type of help available.
To self refer you must:
Be 16 or over at the time of your referral.
Not be open to or under the care of any other Psychological Service.
Be registered with a GP within Hampshire
To learn more about 'italk' and access to SilverCloud online cognitive based therapy (cCBT) click on the 'italk' logo.
Walkling for health
Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.
You don't have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise. Click on this link and find out about a variety of activities that will help you remain fit & active.
Waterside Healthy walks are no longer part of Walking for Health or the Ramblers Association. It makes no difference to the walks or the great company of the rest of the group. Walks are still supported by Community First New Forest and are still part of their Wellbeing activity. Click on the picture above to find further information about guided local healthy walks for people of all physical abilities. The difficulty of the walks vary and you should choose walks carefully to suit your ability.
Are you a healthy weight? Check it out by calculating your BMI. (Body Mass Index)
To find out if you're a healthy weight for your height, work out your body mass index (BMI). It is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.
You can easily check your BMI by using the NHS BMI calculator. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy. The BMI calculator can also be used to check if your child is a healthy weight.
Click the calculator image on the left, to go to the website to check your BMI. The results provide a starting point for managing your weight.