Waterside Health Centre
Partners in the Primary Care Network (PCN)
Blackfield Health Centre
Mymhealth App
Mymhealth's current suite of apps support clinical teams and people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, diabetes, heart disease and most recently Covid-19. They have built a 360° cloud-based system to support multiple user-groups including clinical managers, clinicians and patients. They connect clinicians and patients like no other online health care service, giving each side of the partnership a set of easy-to-use self-management tools, rehabilitation, educational courses, reporting mechanisms, a messaging system, checklists and more. And that means everyone benefits from my mhealth. https://mymhealth.com
If you're interested in using this app, please complete and submit the form at the bottom of this page.
Covid-19 virtual ward
Covid-19 Virtual Ward is for patients suspected to be suffering from or diagnosed with coronavirus. By answering a few questions and recording a few measurements twice a day - cough, wellness, breathing, pulse, temperature and oxygen levels (using an oximeter) - we use a clinically recognised scoring algorithm to assist patients being managed in a virtual environment to be cared for remotely by their clinical team.
myAsthma brings you the world's first online self-management app helping you to achieve the very best control. Built by asthma experts and patients, myAsthma puts you in control like never before. Suitable for users 12 years of age or older.
myCOPD is the complete app for patients suffering from COPD. Perfect your inhaler technique with our easy-to-follow inhaler videos and learn how to manage your COPD from world experts. Complete online pulmonary rehabilitation classes from the comfort of your home and get the very best in COPD care.
myDiabetes brings you the most comprehensive, user-friendly and intuitive diabetes app available on any device. Built by diabetes experts, myDiabetes puts you in control like never before, with expert education on all aspects of diabetes care. Monitor your blood glucose, HbA1C, and other risk factors to reduce your risk of serious long term complications. myDiabetes also brings you closer to your clinician, enhancing and enabling efficient care remotely.
myHeart brings support to patients with heart disease or recovering from cardiac surgery. Myheart is for patients suffering from the following heart conditions; Heart failure, angina, heart attack, post PCI, valve replacement, valve repair, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and valvular heart disease.